Migrate from OSA 5.0 to OSA 5.1.0 0. Minimum Unity version increased from 5.6 to 2017.4.1f1. Make sure you have this version or a newer one. 1. Backup 2. Delete old folder "Assets/OSA" (You need this because importing unitypackages doesn't remove files that are not needed anymore) 3. Import new package 4. If you previously imported the Utils, Demos or any other sub-package, re-import them now. 5. Fix all compile errors. Most common issues: 5.1. If you used CancelAnimationsIfAny(), please override CancelUserAnimations instead, if the intention was to hook into this callback, or call CancelAllAnimations() if you manually want to cancel animations. 5.2. ExpandCollapseAnimationState from namespace Demos.Common is now deprecated in favor of Util.ExpandCollapseAnimationState (Util namespace is better suited). This may give you some "ambiguous reference" error, if you've used it in your own implementations - simply use the namespace-qualified class name or remove "using Com.ForbiddenByte.OSA.Demos.Common" if possible 6. If using Playmaker 6.1 Import PMSupport-Unity2017-1-f3.unitypackages 6.2 If you've previously imported DataMakerXMLTemplates-Unity2017-1-f3, import the newer one now 7. See the "Breaking changes" in the Changelog for other changes that you might need to check.